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#Frequently asked questions

What courier do you use for deliveries?
Royal mail, DPD, and Evri are our preferred shipping solutions.
How long does it take for home delivery?
Orders Up to £19.99 take 2 - 3 days for £2.99 delivery charge. and orders more £20 eligible for NEXT DAY DELIVERY if ordered before 1pm
I haven’t received a dispatch email/email confirmation?
Please be aware an automated email is sent to you to the given email address when your order is dispatched. Please check all folders including you junk as it will come from a noreply email address. To ensure emails reach you, add the domain to your safe senders list.
Do you deliver on Weekend?
No, our courier companies do not offer the service to deliver on weekends currently.
Do you deliver in countries other than the UK?
We are currently unable to deliver fresh produce outside of the United Kingdom.
Are your products vegetarian?
In given cases we use dairy merchandise, there is a rennet used in that product that is not helpful for vegetarians. We strongly recommend you consider the INGREDIENTS when confronted with our products. If a product is unsuitable for vegetarians, it will be indicated in the product page.